Is your credit card travel insurance policy enough? Let’s take a closer look to ensure you are protected.
There are a few important factors to consider when choosing travel insurance.
- Where are you travelling?
- How long are you travelling for?
- What activities do you plan to do there?
- Your age and health
- How much are your valuables are worth?
Questions you should ask when reviewing insurance policies.
- Are instant payouts for medical issues overseas, delayed luggage or lost/stolen cash provided?
- Are you provided with your own policy number and name on the certificate of currency that can be used in emergencies to provide to hospitals?
- Does your insurance policy have an Australian based 24/7 emergency call center?
- What are the activation requirements to start your credit card policy?
- Does your insurance policy cover extras like Cruising or Winter Sports?
- Does your insurance policy cover you for moped or motorcycle riding as a rider or passenger?
- Are pre-exisitng medical conditions covered?
- Are there age limitations on your insurance policy?
- Does your credit card insurance cover only the primary card holder or will it also cover travelling companions and family members?
- Is evacuation and repatriation cover included and what is the limit?
- What excess is applicable? Is the excess the same for all insured events?
- Can you speak to a person if you need to make a claim, or do you need to communicate over email?
Make sure you compare and review insurance policies thoroughly to make an informed choice that puts your peace of mind first. Your journey deserves the best coverage, so don’t settle for less.
PassportCard provide comprehensive travel insurance, get a quote today to ensure you are covered for your next trip!